The Absurd | April 1st, 2022 - May 15th, 2022 | Hosted by TCG Gallery
While the word is currently used to refer to a kind of dry, ironic situation, The Absurd has a rich philosophical tradition most closely associated with the writings of Albert Camus. What are we to do with the question of life’s meaning, especially in the face of its persistent unanswerability? Camus says that “one must imagine Sisyphus happy,” but this is no simple task. In modern times, it seems we can find countless echoes of the loop Sisyphus is stuck in, from the eternal scroll of social media to the endless stream of new variants and vaccines; how do you access the repetitions of our lives where meaning escapes our grasp, and The Absurd is all that remains?
Featured Artists:
Don Bergland, Thad DeVassie, Runcie Tatnall, Véronique Van Meerbeek, Jasmine Raskas, Adam Mazy, Aaron Krone, Anna Yoo, Joshua Wells, Leli Khabiri, Jones Thompson, Tarik Uzunyerliler, Samantha Heydt, Preeti Garg Schaden, Maria Risner, Sticky, Anthony Carlton Cooke, Tom White, Cal Rice, Sofia Monzerratt, Johanna Sarah Schlenk,
Antique Deuce, Pigment ink on paper, 24in x 30in, 2019, Price: $675, Don Bergland, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada
They See Us As Data, Acrylic and latex paint, ink, packing tape, architectural CAD drawings on cradled wood panel, 12in x 12in, 2022, Price: $500, Thad DeVassie, Powell, Ohio
LENT, Collage, 6.25in x 9.25in, 2022, Price: $400, Thad DeVassie, Powell, Ohio
Broken (Tyson vs. Kool Aid Man), Acrylic on canvas, 16in x 20in, 2020, Price: $1600, Runcie Tatnall, Miami, Florida
Absurd Series #03 - Trump, Giclée print on Harman warmtone gloss paper, 22in x 10in, 2022, Price: $200, Véronique Van Meerbeek, London, United Kingdom
They Took Me On A Helicopter Ride, Acrylic on canvas, 48in x 24in, 2021, Price: $1300, Jasmine Raskas, St. Louis, Missouri
Don't Go, Mixed media, 18in x 27in, 2021, Price: NFS, Adam Mazy, Staten Island, New York, New York
Cerebrus, Graphite and charcoal, 27in x 22in, 2015, Price: NFS, Aaron Krone, Wichita, Kansas
Overload, Oil and mixed media, 24in x 24in x 2in, 2020, Price: 2000, Anna Yoo, Harpers Mill, Virginia
Folie à Deux, Oil on canvas, 30in x 24in, 2021, Price: £625, Joshua Wells, Kent, United Kingdom
Sacred Sparagmos (Diptych), Watercolour on paper, 30cm x 42cm, 2021, Price: $500, Leili Khabiri, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Falling Up, Silver Gelatin Print, 30in x 20in, 2019, Price: $300, S. Jones Thompson, Morganton, Georgia
Visionary, NFT, 3338px x 3312px, 2022 Price: $1200, Tarik Uzunyerliler, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sneak Peak into What's to Come, Assemblage, 100cm x 100cm x 5cm, 2020, Price: $5000, Samantha Heydt, Newport, Rhode Island
Trying, Photography, Dye sublimation on aluminum print, 20in x 30in, 2020, Price: $1800, Preeti Garg Schaden, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Melancholia, Mixed media, 18in x 48in x 5in, 2018, Price: $1000, Maria Risner, Hindman, Kentucky
Catch A Buzz, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 24in x 24in x 1in, 2022, Price: NFS, Sticky, Omaha, Nebraska
The Temptation Towards Quietude, Hand-pulled linocut, India ink, and acrylic, 16in x 20in, 2022, Price: $320, Anthony Carlton Cooke, Atlanta, Georgia
False Morels, Digital art print, 30in x 40in, 2021, Price: $800, Tom White, Chicago, Illinois
Entropy, Gouache and acrylic paint on wood panel, 24in x 22in, 2019, Price: $2400, Cal Rice, Brighton, Massachusetts
Falling In, Photo print, 18in x 24in, 2019, Price: $400, Sofia Monzerratt, New York, New York
The Wheel
HD-Video, Runtime: 02:15, 16:9, 2022, Price: NFS, Johanna Sarah Schlenk, Bonn, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany
Artist Inquiries
Are you interested in connecting with one of the featured artists? Send us an inquiry through our contact form, and we'll get back to you shortly.